
On this page we have collected press reports on us and our work. Also included are intervies we have given for various magazines, newspapers, and tv stations.

We have included copies of the original articles for download where possible.

July 2010:
Interview for the magazine "The Slovenia Times"

Alexia and Stephan Petersen were interviewed for a short article on international business etiquette, which appeared in the July 2010 issue of The Slovenia Times . The article "A village with variations" describes different business etiquette around the world.

We are often told we live in the age of the global village. The recent ascendance of the internet has, in particular, reinforced the notion that we are all neighbours, united regardless of the geographic distance between us. But as any travelling businessman quickly learns, this is a village with as many differences as e-mail addresses.

May 2010:
Interview for the magazine "Wirtschaftliche Nachrichten"

Alexia Petersen was interviewed for the May 2010 issue of "Wirtschaftliche Nachrichten" on the subject of intercultural communication and its impact on international management. Drawing on her over ten years of experience as a trainer, the interview, conducted in German, focused in particular on the achievable and sustainable potentials companies can attain through training intercultural communication as a key set of leadership skills.

Die Workshops, die Alexia Petersen für Firmen durchführt, dauern gewöhnlich zwei bis drei Tage. Sie sind sehr praxisorientiert und beschäftigen sich stark mit der Auswirkung der Kultur auf die internationale Verhandlung. Interkulturelles Management ist ein inzwischen häufig zitierter Begriff. Die Wirtschaftlichen Nachrichten (WN) fragten die Trainerin Petersen: Was verstehen Sie darunter und wovon grenzen Sie ihn ab?

"Wirtschaftliche Nachrichten" is the monthly official publication of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) Aachen 

October 2009:
Interview for the daily newspaper "Aachener Zeitung"

In the run-up to the "1. Aachener Interkulturelles Kompetenzforum" in October 2009, Aachener Zeitung  interviewed us about our work as trainers in the area of intercultural communication. The interview appeared in the issue of October 10, 2009.

Download/view article (PDF Format)

Winter semester 2009/2010:
"keep in touch" (the alumni magazine of RWTH Aachen University), issue 48: "Technical Know-how for Humanitarian Aid"

This article introduces the Aachen regional chapter  of Ingenieure ohne Grenzen e.V.  (Engineers without Borders - Germany), of which Dr. Stephan Petersen is an active member.

Download/view article (PDF Format)

The entire issue of "keep in touch" can be download from the RWTH Aachen Alumni Team web site .

October 2009:
Interview for the magazine "working@office"

Alexia Petersen was interviewed for an article on Canada, which appeared in the October 2009 issue of working@office . The article "Multikulturelles Mosaik und milde Töne" (in German) describes the business etiquette and the communication culture in the Canadian professional environment.

Das Einwanderungsland Kanada beherbergt viele Nationen - doch alle fühlen sich einfach als Kanadier. Business-Partnern begegnen sie mit britischer Höflichkeit. Im geschäftlichen Miteinander setzen sie auf kurze Informationen - und sind im Entscheiden oft sehr schnell.

working@office is the Germany's largest professional journal for secretaries, assistants, and office managers.

September 2008:
Interview for the article "Direkt zum Problem" in the magazine "Deutsch perfekt"

The German discussion style takes some getting used to. Our experience as trainers of intercultural communication frequently show us that people from almost all cultures, regardless of what part of the world they are originally from, have more or less difficulties with the German kind of directness, open communication and discussion style.

Yet, as with all communication patterns in all cultures, the German discussion style developed its particular characteristics out of, and reflects its specific values context. Therefore, in order to use the language both effectively and correctly, it is important for learners of German language to also understand those features and rules that enable professional debate in German to be direct and polite at the same time.

The magazine, Deutsch perfekt , targeted at learners of German, features in their current issue 9/2008 (September) an article on this topic , which interviews both German language learners and teachers, as well as Stephan Petersen as intercultural communication trainer.

In addition to the article itself, the issue offers many important practical rules and guidelines one should be aware of for professional discussions, a list of commonly used vocabulary and idiomatic phrases in discussions, as well as other helpful information to guide learners in debating effectively in German with Germans.

Mai 2007:
Interview for British Airways' inflight magazine "Business Life"

Dr. Stephan Petersen was interviewed for the article "Making the Most of the Multinational Office", which appeared in the May 2007 issue of Business Life .

The author of the article, Matt Farquharson, called on several intercultural communication specialists to contribute to a brief "survivor's guide to the modern multinational workplace".

"Business Life" is British Airways' inflight consumer magazine targeted at business passengers, providing entertainment for executives and covering lifestyle issues from a business perspective, and is carried on all of the airline's European routes.

Launched 20 years ago, the magazine is published monthly and has an estimated readership of almost 600,000. In 2006 it was voted "Most Effective Travel & Leisure Title" by the Association of Publishing Agencies.

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